Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Part 2 of The Stranger

            In the passage of part 2 , chapter 5 when Meursault had the conversation with the chaplain who came to advice Meursault keeping his mind on hope, but he still didn’t care anything and say nothing else about escaping this case. Meursault thought that no way to escape death and his ending will be death whatever he did. Albert Camus suggests that name of meaning or purpose existence stands for real human life in general. The eventually ending of human is death whether in accident, crime or in the natural death. Camus reflects the society is existed with hopeless and absurd to impact people stay into the meaningless life.

            According to the passage, Meursault though that he “didn’t want anybody’s help, and he just didn’t have the time to interest himself in what didn’t interest him.” Meursault seems to be a representative of all lonely man, and he plays a role around a “self-world”. It shows that people who feel alone don’t have any confidence on others and they like to close themselves in small space which no one can come in. Meursault just hides his real mind to cover his emotion and lonely, because he thinks that is not important or purpose to others, even himself. When the chaplain said “if you don’t die today, you’ll die tomorrow, or the next day. And the same question will arise. How will you face that terrifying ordeal?” Meursault answered that “I would face it exactly as I was facing it now.” It narrates the position of Meursault is a criminal, and then he will have execution anyway. That represents a natural law of death. People will eventually die, no matter execution, accidents or natural death on old age. At that time of World War II, the social background created a hopeless situation to people Camus brings a message that people are careless about the death. The society and country have been huge influence to people’s life.

            When the chaplain mean that “The God can help you”, but Meursault was totally disagree what he believed. This expands the different an two generations. The old generation is posted as living with belief in hopeful and wish. The opposition is the young generation as Meursault who represents as hopeless and meaningless in essentials.  

Thursday, November 18, 2010

part 1 of The Stranger

            In the passage that Meursault showed up to his mother’s funeral, but he looked like a cold man at other’s death party. Everything was meaningless for him. Also, Meursault seemed to care nothing about his mother, even she had died. Albert Camus suggests that a man who is indifferent of emotion acts as selfish and doesn’t care about other person or thing to explain how the essentials of society exist with moral standards. It represents human condition into young generation have been changed to purposeless with invisible love.

            When the passage begins, Meursault thinks that he is an outsider of the funeral; he says “I don’t remember any of it anymore.” (p17) He had no reaction to the fact of hi smother’s death, such as sadness or sentimental, but he doesn’t. Instead of this, Meursault memories what the nurse tells him “if you go slowly, you risk getting sunstroke. But if you go too fast, you work up a sweat and then catch a chill inside the church.”(P17) Meursault may want to find out a best way to finish waking to church in his mind. This reflects Meursault is self-central and selfish to react over death. He may think that death is death, but life is alive. “Sun” can be a symbol of new beginning or restart something; it reveals a wish and hope. In the quote, they talk about they should not walk neither fast nor slow, or they also get the bad result. This seems to symbolize the reaction of Meursault to mother’s death. He can’t be too sad or happy, so that he stands for no emotions, and Meursault’s response is “there was no way out.” He is totally agreed what the nurse says. In his opinion, new beginning is standing at a point without anything. The “sun” shows a goal of young generation is standing for invisible love but not into the moral standard as grieving over death. They represent different altitudes in situation of interpersonal and careless about the value judgment of their acts.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The essay of book ( The Kite Runner)

In the Khaled Hosseini’s fiction The kite Runner, the character Amir who is from a richest family in Afghanistan has passion for making better relationship with his father conflict directly with the antagonist Hassan, who is Amir’s friend, but also a servant in his house, ultimately resulting in Amir lost many thing and guilt fulfills his life to revealing that a love, honor, cherish between a friendship, father and son. 

Amir, a first person character in this book, recalls his memorial in past of twenty years. When he was still a boy in Kabul, Afghanistan, he lived in a nice house and has a rich life with his father, Baba. They had two servants Ali and Hassan, who were Hazaras, an ethnic minority. Rahim Khan was Baba’s best friend, who always did nice to Amir. One day, Hassan and Amie were playing when they run into three boys, one of named Assef. Assef threatens to beat up Amir for hanging around with a Hazara, but Hassan uses his slingshot to stop Assef. Hassan always did everything to protect Amir because he looked Amir as his best friend. Hassan was very good at kite running. He usually could know where the kite went and catch it.

When the kite competition began, Amir hoped that he could win the race because Baba was once a champion kite fighter. He wants to get more love from Baba. At last, Amir got his only kite flying in the sky, he asked Hassan to run that blue kite for him. When Hassan ran the kite which falls at last in the competition for Amir, Hassan tried to do everything he could do to protect the kite, and then he is been raped by Assef. Amir sees what happen to Hassan, but he choice to run away. Amir felt guilty by him because he knew what he did was sorry to Hassan, and he hoped Hassan could fight or argue with him to instead say nothing. In weeks, Hassan and Amir drift apart. Amir thought the only could solve problems was either he or Hassan must leave, or there is nothing being end. So Amir stuffs money and a watch under Hassan’s pillow and tell Baba that Hassan stole it. When Baba confronts them, Hassan admits to it, though he didn’t do it. At last, Ali and Hassan move away. At the meanwhile, the Afghanistan was invaded by Russia, so that Amir had left with Baba and move to California, America. They got a new life over there.

After twenty-six years, Amir became a writer. He received a call from Rahim Khan that he was asked to go back Pakistan. When they met each other, Rahim Khan had told Amir the things during those years about him and Hassan. Amir knew that Hassan was his brother with same father and he had a son alive. Amir decided to bring the boy back to America with him.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Plum Plum Pickers

In the passage of Plum Plum Pickers, Raymond Barrio suggests that the life of immigration has been view of illustration to show what they really stand for into the society from past to now. It talks about the opinion of existence between the lowest and highest social class with kind of allusion and repetition. He describes character’s personality by substance of setting to irony the exploitation existing as very seriously.

According to the first section of passage, Barrio set up the image of a character named Manuel “was trapped in an endless maze of apricot trees, as though forever, neat rows of them, neatly planted, row after row, just like the blackest bars on the jails of hell.” It’s an amazing image to emphasize the character’s mood and create serious feeling of farm works, and then it shows the immigrations are plum pickers. Maybe plums mean the goal of dream or excellent thing. In the meanwhile, Manuel’s name can interpreted as man or Mexican, even of manual labor. And also the passage’s tone seems to represent as sad and lonely. It shows many images how the worker’s lives being, such as their plum picking and lunch time. There takes an important position to create a background of workers, which they work at the bad place, hot dry day and short lunch time and so on. Barrio narrates the existence being in the lowest working class, which stand for unfair benefit and rights. He used repetitions to emphasize farm worker’s situation.

In the middle of passage, the author describes another character that named Roberto Morales. According to Roberto Morales’s name, it’s antagonist of the story can be represented as moral less. Morales is not a good man, but he is looked as a kind of clever criminal and seems to be a lead of farm and the group people named gueros, which have no concern to everything with crime by their conception and religion. So there shows that they stand for an unnormal conception into their lives with moral less, loveless and selfish. They play a role of upper social class to enjoy the unjustifiable acts to last more distance during different social class people.

At the part of end, there’s an announcement to workers by Roberto Morales that he will take two cents from every buckets, and then Manuel comes out and insists his thought that Morales ever promises them to take nothing. Manuel says to against this unfair offer. For workers, those are the unjustifiable exploitation. As Maxist definitions, working class is individuals who sell their labor power for wages and who do not own the means of production. This is the situation what the farm owner does and the immigration always takes position as this working class with less skill to become the target of exploitation leader. It represents the unbalance society being with unfair creative existence in modernist.